(Scripture references are from the NLT)
God created a beautiful garden, and He created a man and woman to care for it. Adam & Eve were given authority to have dominion over all the earth, and every living thing.
They were seduced by the Devil to eat the “forbidden fruit”, and in so doing, allowed the Devil to steal their authority to have dominion over the earth.
Death entered the earth, and they were cast out of the garden. They suffered the consequences of their sin, yet God loved them, and made a way for them to be forgiven.
Exodus 34:6,7a
6 The Lord passed in front of Moses, calling out,
“Yahweh![b] The Lord!
The God of compassion and mercy!
I am slow to anger
and filled with unfailing love and faithfulness.
7 I lavish unfailing love to a thousand generations.[c]
I forgive iniquity, rebellion, and sin.
But I do not excuse the guilty.
Who are the guilty? Those who do not ask for forgiveness.