The discussion below about “Pentecostal”, which can also apply to “charismatics”, leans in towards those who claim to be “full gospel”. All of this is not a reference to a particular Christian Denomination, but rather a description of those who have embraced the “full Gospel of Jesus Christ”, including the Gifts of the Holy Spirit, as described in the Bible.
Gifts of the Spirit:
Ephesians 4:11,12 (Offices to help the Church) Apostles, Prophets, Evangelists, Pastors & Teachers
Romans 12:6-8 (areas of participation within the Church) Prophesying, serving, teaching, encouraging, giving, leadership, and showing kindness.
1 Corinthians 12:7-10 (supernatural giftings to individuals in the church) Wisdom, Knowledge, Faith, Healing, Miracles, Prophesy, Discernment, Tongues, Interpretation.
What is “Pentecost”:
Pentecost means 50 days after the Passover Feast, which was when Jesus was crucified… so 50 days later the Disciples were Baptised in the Holy Spirit, which is the Gift that the Father God promised through Jesus. (See Acts 2:1-41)
What is “Pentecostal”: (i)
Pentecostals have a very high view of the authority of the Bible. They have a high Christology, understanding that Jesus is God Incarnate, and that He is their Savior, Spirit Baptiser, Healer, and soon coming King. Out of this understanding, Pentecostals respond with gratitude and often unbridled enthusiasm in worship. Worship extends beyond their meetings and into the way they live their lives, with an emphasis on personal holiness. Pentecostals believe that the signs and wonders performed by Jesus and the apostles are equally – and even more so – available for believers today. The expression of spontaneous spiritual gifts in a church service, while to an outsider may seem chaotic, are for the Pentecostal believer an indicator of Divine order, and that the Holy Spirit is in control.
(i) Reprinted with permission from the author Caleb Howard Courtney from his book “A History of Bethel Pentecostal Church in Sarnia Ontario” (2016), Page 1.