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RWM BlueWater Ministry is a Christian Web Site containing Articles and Videos by Bob Maniuk. It is Bible based teachings that describe the impact of “faith in Jesus” on a person’s life today.

I was recently asked if I was a Pastor. I am not. I would describe myself as an informal Teacher. I am not a Preacher, and I am not even a polished speaker. My desire is to make the Bible accessible to those who want to know more.

The Bible is the highest form of Prophecy available to man today. It is a “love letter” from God to Mankind. It describes how to please God.

The Bible also says we have a role to play to impact today’s society. Discover your Destiny.

www = “World Wide Witness”

About Us

Bob Maniuk has been a Christian since 1975. He is happily married to his wife Liz.

His testimony is one of God’s abundant Grace. According to the Bible, “He (Jesus) will never leave you nor forsake you”. Jesus is only as far away as the mention of His Name.

If you are not a Christian Believer, but you are searching for Truth, then these Articles and Videos are designed to help you. If you are a Believer young in your Faith, then this Web Site can help to Disciple you. If you are more mature in your Faith, then perhaps you can use this Web Site to Witness to others.

Bob’s heart is to share the teachings of Jesus. The Bible is the Manufacturer’s Handbook – a Guide for successful living provided by our Creator. Bob’s desire is to make the truth of God’s Word understandable to all who seek it.

His hope is that you will find your joyful place in the family of God. Remember….



The above Photo is of both sides of our Bookmark. It describes the “Gift of God”. It lists scriptures that highlight the Good News of the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Jesus longs to have a relationship with you.  All you need to do is simply ask Him to forgive you for your sins, and make Him Lord of your life. You will then be a Christian, a follower of Jesus, and a Child of God, and Heaven will be yours!


I believe Jesus is coming soon… possibly in our lifetime. We have a responsibility to ourselves and to our families to be informed and to be ready. “End Times” have never been closer than it is now. It will never be easier to serve Jesus than it is today. See my Video Series on this Website called “Jesus is Coming Soon”, under Videos and End Times.

RWM Bluewater Ministry Featured Guests

I will update these every few weeks

Featured Gospel Music

Artist:                Casting Crowns
Description:   Scars in Heaven

Having experienced the unexpected passing away of my 43 year old son this past week, this song Blessed me in unimaginable ways when I heard it the very same day. Be Blessed!

Listen & enjoy.

Listen on Youtube

Featured Guest Article/Video

Author:               Bunni Pounds
Publication:     Charisma Magazine & News
Description:   The Gospel Reason I got into Politics

Bunni Pounds always had missions on her mind. She was married, and raising a family, home schooling, and she and her husband were successful Entrepreneurs. After selling their business, she was listening to Political News Programs, and started thinking of the Political landscape as the mission field. Hear her story.


The following are the “essentials” of Christian Belief:

1. God Almighty, the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, created the Heavens and the Earth, and everything on and in the earth;

2. The Trinity is comprised of God the Father, Jesus the Son, and the Holy Spirit;

3. The virgin was blessed by God Almighty, overshadowed by the Holy Spirit, and she conceived a Holy child, and she gave birth to God’s SON, and his Name is Jesus;

4. Jesus lived a sin free life, and He who knew no sin, took our sins upon Himself.

5. Jesus took upon himself the sin of the whole world, and He paid the price for that sin, by dying on a Roman cross for us;

6. On the third day, he arose from the dead, Victorious and made Alive by the Power of God, the first born of the Resurrection. He made himself known to His disciples and Followers, as many as 500 people at one time. Then He was raised into Heaven to sit at the right hand of God the Father, ever interceding for those that are His;

7. Jesus came to Save the lost, Heal the sick, Mend the Broken hearted, and Deliver those who are held captive to sin and addictions;

8. He has purchased our Freedom, and All who call on the Name of the Lord will be Saved;

9. Jesus is our “soon coming King”, He will return for those who belong to him, who are the Church, and we will Live with Him Forever.

Non Essentials

But Nice to Have

The discussion below about “Pentecostal”, which can also apply to “charismatics”, leans in towards those who claim to be “full gospel”. All of this is not a reference to a particular Christian Denomination, but rather a description of those who have embraced the “full Gospel of Jesus Christ”, including the Gifts of the Holy Spirit, as described in the Bible.

Gifts of the Spirit:

Ephesians 4:11,12      (Offices to help the Church) Apostles, Prophets, Evangelists, Pastors & Teachers

Romans 12:6-8     (areas of participation within the Church) Prophesying, serving, teaching, encouraging, giving, leadership, and showing kindness.

1 Corinthians 12:7-10     (supernatural giftings to individuals in the church) Wisdom, Knowledge, Faith, Healing, Miracles, Prophesy, Discernment, Tongues, Interpretation.

What is “Pentecost”:

Pentecost means 50 days after the Passover Feast, which was when Jesus was crucified… so 50 days later the Disciples were Baptised in the Holy Spirit, which is the Gift that the Father God promised through Jesus. (See Acts 2:1-41)

What is “Pentecostal”: (i)

Pentecostals have a very high view of the authority of the Bible. They have a high Christology, understanding that Jesus is God Incarnate, and that He is their Savior, Spirit Baptiser, Healer, and soon coming King. Out of this understanding, Pentecostals respond with gratitude and often unbridled enthusiasm in worship. Worship extends beyond their meetings and into the way they live their lives, with an emphasis on personal holiness. Pentecostals believe that the signs and wonders performed by Jesus and the apostles are equally – and even more so – available for believers today. The expression of spontaneous spiritual gifts in a church service, while to an outsider may seem chaotic, are for the Pentecostal believer an indicator of Divine order, and that the Holy Spirit is in control.

(i) Reprinted with permission from the author Caleb Howard Courtney from his book “A History of Bethel Pentecostal Church in Sarnia Ontario” (2016), Page 1.