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Here is a side note:

  • The Bible says God created the Heavens and Earth and all the animals and mankind in 6 days, and He rested on the seventh;
  • In Psalms & in Peter, it says “to God a day is like a thousand years. And a thousand years is like a day”;
  • Theologians believe there is 2000 years (2 days) from Adam to Abraham, and 2000 years (2 days) from Abraham to Jesus, and now it’s been 2000 years (2 days) since Jesus to the present (6 days?)… the Bible says after the Tribulation and Armegeddon that Jesus will return and reign on the earth for a thousand years, and there will be Peace (the seventh day of rest?)

Other Highlights:

  • The 12 Tribes of Israel go to Egypt during a famine, and over time become slaves of Pharoah;
  • 400 years later God raises up Moses to free the slaves;
  • Through Moses, God gives mankind the Ten Commandments (the Law, as well as decrees and regulations);
  • Moses writes the first five books of the Old Testament, as inspired and directed by God;
  • Eventually Moses dies, and his assistant Joshua leads the 12 Tribes into the Promised Land (Canaan, the land that God promised to Abraham and his descendants, which is modern day Israel)
    • Miracle: for almost 2000 years Israel did not exist, until after World War II, because of the Holocaust (the Germans attempt to destroy the Jews from existence), the new United Nations (then called the League of Nations) gave the Jews a portion of land in Palestine, which was mostly historical Israel;
    • This fulfills a prophecy in the Bible when God promises to gather His sons and daughters from the east and west and restore Israel, and Bless it. (Isaiah 43:5-7)
  • After many Judges lead Israel through the years, the people of Israel ask God for a King… Saul becomes the first King, then David the Shepherd boy who slays Goliath eventually becomes the second King of Israel;
  • God calls David a “man after God’s own heart” and promises he will never fail to have a descendant on the Throne of Israel;
  • The Prophets declare that “a Servant of God is coming”…
    • He will be anointed to bring good news
    • He will bring Healing
    • He will set the captives free
    • In Hebrew He is known as the Messiah
      • The Old Testament was written in Hebrew
    • In Greek He is known as the Christ
      • The New Testament was written in Greek
    • And then, at a certain time in history, the Virgin is found with child (prophesied in Is. 7:14, about 800 years before it happened)
    • Jesus is born
    • He lives a sinless life
    • He dies a cruel death on a Roman cross (See Is. 50:4-7, IS. 52:13-15, IS. 53:all)
    • He is Resurrected (raised to life) (Ps. 16:9-11)
    • Spends 40 days with his Disciples and seen by various people, as many as 500 at one time
    • And then is Ascended into Heaven to sit at the right hand of God as an advocate (defender) of His children (those who would follow after Him), who would make up His Church on the Earth, and the Bride of Christ in Heaven.

So here is the bad news:

God gave Adam and Eve authority over the earth, and told them to have dominion over it, but when they were tempted by Satan, and they sinned, Satan stole or usurped authority over the earth.

So here is the Good News:

Jesus came to destroy the works of the Devil, and set the captives free… To set free those who are in bondage to sin, and to Heal the sick.

When Jesus was crucified, he descended into Hell, preached to the captives, gained the Victory over Death, and then was raised to Eternal Life… being the first fruits of the Resurrection.

He gave His church, the followers of Christ, “the Great Commission”, which is to preach the Good News of Jesus Christ throughout the world, making disciples, and He gave them authority to destroy the works of the Devil, and that is the role we are to fulfill today.

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