This was a Letter to the Editor in response to a Religion Article by the Retired Reverend
Regarding the column “Reason in the Christmas season”:
I read his column each week, and although there are times I do not agree with him, he does offer a unique perspective.
But this is the first time I’ve felt compelled to respond. I have never heard the Reverend sound so cynical.
He seems to question the Virgin birth of Jesus, and that He was the Savior of the World. He goes on to lament that the “kind Bishop St. Nicholas has been hijacked into a mythological marketing tool.” The last part I agree with.
As a child, as I got older, and realized that there is no Santa Claus, or Easter Bunny, or tooth fairy, I wrongly concluded there was no God or Jesus Christ, and that was my thinking as I entered into adulthood.
When I was 23 years old, a miracle happened. Jesus made himself known to me personally, and I experienced the New Birth.
The Bible says God is Spirit, and we must worship him in Spirit and Truth. We are body, soul, and spirit. When God said “Let us make man in our own image”, it is our Spirit that is in His Image. Once I experienced the Supernatural miraculous awakening of my spirit, it was only reasonable to accept the Virgin birth of our Savior.
As an adult, I determined to tell my children about the truth of Jesus. I also determined not to lie to them by trying to make them believe in myths that I knew they would eventually grow out of, and come to know were false. I determined that my children would only hear me speak the truth, and that they could trust me. I would always give them my best, and would never steer them wrong.
The Reverend is correct, that at Christmas time we are asked to “ponder the immortal and invisible becoming mortal and visible…”, although he suggests this is suspect. I believe it with my whole heart.
A Miracle by definition is going to suspend logic and what is reasonable… for if it was reasonable, it would no longer be a miracle.
The Reverend goes on to say “The only reality is the family feud and the annual coping binge.”
As for my extended family, we love being together and there is no feuding; and as far as coping, it is only the details of coming together, which are kept to a minimum.
We keep our focus on the “Reason for the season”… God’s Gift to Mankind… the Lamb of God who would become Savior and Redeemer… Jesus.
Wishing you a Blessed and Joyful Christmas…
Bob Maniuk